What is C++ Programming Language?


What is C++?

C++ is a general purpose general-purpose case sensitive and compiled  programming language that supports procedural object-oriented and generic programming C++ is a middle-level language since it has both a high level and low-level language features  C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 as an enhancement to the c programming language and originally named C with classes and later it was named c plus plus in 1983. any legal C programs can be run in C++. C++ fully supports objects oriented programming including four pillars of object-oriented development encapsulation data hiding inheritance and polymorphism C++ is used to write device drivers and other software that rely on direct manipulation of hardware like adobe Photoshop Microsoft office and even operating systems like Windows XP windows 95 windows 98 and Apple OS and so on now to write C++ we need two things the first one is a text editor and the other one is a compiler now we can use any text editor for writing a C++ program but we can't use a message or Microsoft word the written program has to convert into a machine language because the computers can only understand a machine language for that purpose we use a program called a compiler to convert the written program into a machine language so the compiler converts the written program into an executable then the executable can be executed on the computer.

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